
Report psychiatric Abuse


Have you personally ever been abused or harmed by psychiatric or other “mental health” treatments?

Have you watched a family member, friend or loved one rapidly worsen—or even die—under psychiatric treatment or psychological treatment?

Have you tried to tell a psychiatrist or psychiatric facility staff about the suspicious death of a loved one who was under psychiatric care, and been ignored, ridiculed or threatened for it?

If so, you are not alone. Through psychiatry’s false explanations, easy-seizure (commitment) laws, and depersonalizing “treatments,” every day thousands across the globe unwittingly fall into psychiatry’s coercive system.

If you have been subjected to or are aware of:

— rape, sexual assault, criminal activities, malpractice, physical abuse, child abuse, mis–diagnosis, harmful and unnecessary drugging, involuntary commitment, electroshock therapy, psychosurgery, harmful restraints, being threatened with committal or punishment for refusal of treatment, being coerced into hospitalization or treatment, neglect, side effects from depression drug treatment, insurance fraud (fraudulent billings to an insurance company, Medicare or Medicaid — such as submitting a bill when no service was performed) —

committed by a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric facility, or other mental health practitioner, CCHR is a group willing to listen to and help you.

It is vital that criminal and other psychiatric abuse is reported and acted upon by the proper law enforcement agencies. Only in this way can you protect yourself and those you care about from the possibility of psychiatric abuse and coercion.


Report any crime or act which you believe endangers the health, safety and well-being of a patient. This includes neglect, physical or sexual assault, rape, abusive physical or chemical restraints, wrongful or excessive drugging, imprisonment (wrongful detention in a psychiatric facility), treatment without prior consent, manslaughter and fraud.


Write up all known details about the abuse, including dates, places, names of psychiatrists, psychologists or others involved ensuring patient confidentiality is respected. Send this to the nearest CCHR chapter.

Following are some guidelines:

  • What was the diagnosis given? Was this given after a thorough medical examination for underlying physical problems which could look like “mental illness”?
  • Was there health insurance involved? Did it seem the diagnosis was based on what insurance coverage was held? Was length of hospitalization increased or decreased based on insurance held?
  • Was the person given a copy of his/her rights, including the right to see an attorney, when admitted or prior to any hearing to determine involuntary placement or commitment to a psychiatric facility? Was informed, written consent given before any treatment was administered?
  • If the abuse involved physical or chemical restraints, do you know who ordered the restraints and under what circumstances?
  1. Support your information with as much documentation as possible. Remember, do not do anything illegal. Use only evidence that is acquired legally to substantiate the abuse.
  2. After allowing time for delivery of your report, call CCHR to further discuss the case, or to set up an appointment.

Your report and your identity will be held in strict confidence.


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Alternatively, fill out an Abuse Report Form online.